Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dream Kitchen ...Finally happy !!!

Years ago...since I came to US and back when I was dating my wife, since we lived in small apartments and rentals, from the first house....finally I'm happy ...we just moved in in our new house where I have my dream kitchen . Kitchen I was dreaming to cook in and give me future inspirations to create my new food concoctions. I don't have my Tuscan wood burning oven for pizza in a inside , but oh well , it just came in all the way from california and already resting in my back yard waiting for the first Neapolitan pizza party. Oven curing process sux , takes 5-6 days ..who can wait that long...I want my pizza right now ! well... I waited very long time for this, so I thing I can wait just couple more days longer ! don't worry , pizza and it's pictures coming up soon.....
Once again....I really hope so that my new surroundings will inspire me for new creations , the once I can explore at my restaurant and share with all of you. Please Stay monday we have verry exiting tuscan wine dinner coming up at Americano....where famous wine maker and chef from Italy will enter my kitchen ...and all of you will be able to taste 5 wines with 5 food pairings... by the way this guy worked at super famous Al bulli in Spain, on of the best...or many people would say the best restaurant in a world I'm nervous too...

Final thoughts ......set is wife, kids, dog, wood burning oven and the kitchen ! Finally Happy ! It took only 36 years ! Life is Good !
Love to cook !


Egle said...

If that is your kitchen in the pic, I must say it is my dream kitchen too! Amazing amazing amazing! Good luck during your tuscan wine dinner, readers are waiting to hear about every bite of it.

Linkėjimai iš vėjuotos Lietuvos į saulėtą (hopefully) Kaliforniją.

vytauras chef v said...

Aciu...linkejimai vejuotai Lietuveliai...deje ne is sailetos Klifornijos... ( I wish )....o tik ish Cleveland Ohio...

Egle said...

Kažkaip susidarė įspūdis, kad Kalifornijai linkėjimus perduodu... Et. Na bet svarbu, kad linkėjimai šilti, o ne vėjuoti :)

labai šaunus blog'as, džiaugiuosi atradus ;)

P-Dawg said...


dAivA said...

I'm sooooo happy for you! YUM and YAY! I can't wait to sleepover! :) LOVE YOU LOTS!